“Off Track” Again?


I’m a type A, strong, INDEPENDENT woman —do you know what dat mean ?!? 🎤🤣

And I have a felling YOU’RE LIKE ME

You’ll outwork anyone 💪 BUT when it comes to losing weight, toning up, looking like you workout…

You can’t get anything to STICK (🤫 but I’ll show you how to get on a plan that never fails)

After years of battling those same 10-20 pounds, burnout sets in. 🔥 Ever catch yourself saying “I’ve got to do better” after a weekend of going overboard? Maybe you’ve tried every trendy diet, only to get off track every time.

Here’s the kicker – a part of you isn’t fully on board with those plans.

Because deep down, you already know that trendy diets like paleo, keto or calorie counting ONLY WORK IF ⤵️

❌ You eat at home

❌ You convince your family they are eating it too

❌ You can rotate the same four dinners

But time and time again… those plans fail.

You’re not actually getting “off track”, your subconsciously trying to signal to yourself “I need a better plan”

Let's get real here, diving into diets like Whole30, Strict Macros, or counting every single calorie sometimes makes you feel like you've been transported back to grade school. I mean, seriously, who wants to ask permission to use the bathroom again?

And don't even get me started on that feeling of being "bad" for wanting to have a scoop of ice cream on a Wednesday. It's like this pressure to always be "perfect" and do everything "right" is just too much sometimes.

Here’s your steps to a better plan:

  1. Master Your Nutrition

  2. Master Your Mindset

  3. Master Your Metabolism

Master Your Nutrition:

Your body is way more than just a calorie calculator. It's a powerhouse putting in serious work. You're hitting the gym like a champ, giving your all in every WOD and weightlifting session. You're making conscious choices at home, opting for salads and cutting back on portions. So why the heck are those jeans feeling tighter?

Let me tell you, it's because you've been stuck in the cycle of diets that focus on cutting out food groups (think Whole30, Keto, Paleo), obsessing over specific numbers (hello strict macros and calorie counting), and restricting eating times (intermittent fasting, anyone?). But guess what? None of those even scratch the surface of what truly drives your metabolism: your hormones.

That's where my Master Your Nutrition program comes in. I'm here to give you the tools you've been missing. We're talking about taking a slow, holistic approach—the kind your body craves when it's stuck in the chaos of weight loss resistance. We'll zero in on one nutrient at a time, tackle blood sugar balance head-on, and embrace the power of eating with balance to harmonize those hormones.

Trust me, I've seen it happen time and time again. Women just like you follow this plan and, before they know it, they're shedding inches without even breaking a sweat. It's time to ditch the struggle and embrace a new way of nourishing your body.

Master Your Mindset:

Alright, buckle up because we're diving deep into the woo-woo meets the work zone (major shoutout to Jenna Kutcher for that gem). So, check it out: your brain's got two main players—your conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind? That's your everyday go-to, the one you're aware of most of the time. But then there's your subconscious, your inner Jiminy Cricket, if you will. It's the vault storing every little memory, even the cringe-worthy ones. 🧠

Remember that jerk of a boyfriend from high school who broke your heart? Yeah, that moment's probably burned into your subconscious. It taught you a thing or two about people and trust, right? And now, you've got that guard up with certain types of dudes—all thanks to that one messy situation. That's your subconscious at work, baby. 💔

Now, let's talk weight loss. Your subconscious has a knack for holding onto memories of things not going quite as planned. Over time, without even realizing it, you start slipping back into old habits without a second thought.

Picture this: You kick off a new diet on Monday, all gung-ho with high protein, veggies galore, less sugar—the whole shebang. Everything's peachy until life throws you a curveball. Kids are sick, hubby's sick (and let's face it, he's worse than the kids), and your to-do list is longer than Santa's on Christmas Eve.

Suddenly, cooking up spaghetti for the fam and a salad for yourself sounds like mission impossible. Pizza delivery it is! But hey, you did get that salad too! Yet, you get home, inhale four slices of pizza, and bam, you're feeling like a bloated whale. Cue the self-loathing: "Why did I do that? I had a plan, dammit. What's wrong with me?" 😔

And guess what? Your subconscious is right there, reminding you of every other time you've stumbled on a diet. So instead of bouncing back right away, it takes you another week to get your groove back because, let's be real, you're too busy playing nurse to everyone else. Sound familiar? 🔄

You've been stuck in this loop for so long that it's become second nature. Mastering your mindset is the key to breaking free.

Here's the scoop on how to do it: you bring in an outsider (that's me!) to shine a light on those blind spots. Together, we'll unravel what's really holding you back and chart a course toward solutions. It's time to flip the script and rewrite your story. 🚀

Master Your Metabolism

Absolutely! Welcome to the Disney World of healthy lifestyles, ladies! 🎉 This is where the magic truly happens. Let me introduce you to Master Your Metabolism—it's not just a program, it's a whole system, split into two parts:

Part One: MAJORS 🌟

Part Two: MINORS ✨

The Majors are like the backbone of your metabolic system, the real MVPs. They're the big guns that have the most significant impact on how your body looks and feels. Now, I get it, it might seem a tad overwhelming at first, but trust me, once you dive in, it'll all start making sense. So what are these Majors all about? We're talking Nutrition, Muscle, Motion, Hormones, Gut Health, Mindset, Sleep, and Stress. And guess what? You might already be a pro in some of these areas without even realizing it! 🏋️‍♀️

But here's the thing: sometimes you're so focused on excelling in certain areas that you forget about the others that need attention. Don't worry, I've got your back. Inside VIP Coaching, I've crafted a fun quiz to help you pinpoint where your strengths lie and where you might need a little more TLC. It's all about shifting that focus without dropping the ball elsewhere. 🎯

Now, onto the Minors. These are the topics you often think are crucial, but in reality, they're just a tiny fraction of your journey—like eating out, supplements, vacation eats, traveling eats, and so on. I'm not saying they're not important to some degree, but when you get hyper-focused on them, you're missing out on the major stuff. It's all about keeping things in perspective. 🍽️

I've designed a four-month plan that's worked wonders for women like you, helping them lose up to 4 inches per month. And the best part? You won't ever feel overwhelmed because this plan is tailored to fit seamlessly into your day-to-day lifestyle. It's time to embark on this journey and watch the inches melt away! 💪📏

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Britt Bailey

It’s time to ditch the old rules of weight loss. You deserve to eat well and look hot AF! If you’re ready to elevate to your healthiest self, join me in my program.s


My Weight Loss Story